Focused in Simplifying

Abroad Study

Professional Experts Offering Outstanding Career Choices. Around the Globe with Years of Experience.


Career Counseling

We are here to help students achieve their career goals. Students, therefore, are our foremost priority. Whether you are looking to enter a specific field or are simply exploring your options, we can help you find the right path.

Abroad Study

We strongly believe that education is the key to success. Armed with profound knowledge and insight, we are here to help you achieve your dream of studying abroad to follow your passion in life.

Test Preparation

We have a team of highly qualified and experienced instructors who work closely with students to ensure that every aspect of their studies is fully supported to prepare them for career success.

Expect Us as Every Step

Guiding and Assisting Before and After Visa

Our team comprises professionals who have expertise in their respective fields and are dedicated to their jobs and commitments.

Assisting & Gudicing You to Get Your Student Visa by Following Best Practices

Career Counselling

The years of experience enabled us to counsel the overall process, including the academic and financial criteria of respective countries.

Admission Application

Assisting students to secure admission without hassle in their desired country, city, course, and university. We also work to clear up their dilemma.

Scholarship Assistance

Scholarships from different countries and universities are given to deserving students with strong academic profiles helping students to get financial aid.

Documentation Guidance

We provide a catered checklist to give an early insight to students so that they won't get confused before initiating, and we have documents in hand at the time of the process.

Visa Processing

The immigration rules and regulations differ among countries. We proceed with the process under their protocols and make it easy for students.

'Students Focused' Approach

We are here to help students achieve their career goals. Hence, students and their career choices are our foremost priority.

Transperant & Fair Information

We believe students must know the actual information which will help them make the right career choices.

Know More Reasons Why Focus Education is Top Choice for Smart Students.

With more than a decade's of experience we use of our knowledge for the welfare of students. Also, our approach is driven by our ethical values and to help you achieve your career goals.


A Service Oriented Team of Professional Education Consultants

Everything You Need to Study Abroad

Our team comprises professionals with expertise in their respective fields and are dedicated to their jobs and commitments.

Years of Consulting Experience

Take advantage of our study abroad experts and get the best advice to make an informed decision. Chat with a counselor over the phone or book a counseling session to discuss any questions and needs. If you’re ready to get started, our team of counselors will support you every step of the way to make your experience as stress-free as possible.

We have handled various nature of applications in all those years and have the knowledge for the right approach for various cases. You can rely on our experience that has helped hundreds of students to achieve their goal of studying abroad.

We are committed to providing you with Fair Information & Professional Practice. Our goal is to provide you with unbiased advice and strengthen your base to make your future better

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The way you assist your students right from the beginning to the very end is highly impressive. The guidance on visa documentation is impeccable. Thanks for all the consultations, which led to my success.

Raj Lama
Nara International Japanese School
Nara-ken, Japan


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Coming to Focus Education was probably the wisest decision I have ever made. Thanks to what I got from you, I have gained success to boast of. This has built a strong foundation for my professional career in the future. And I am proud to recommend you to all my friends.

Tashi Dolma Sherpa
Aichi International Academy
Aichi-ken, Japan

Proudly Contributed

Career Ventures

Featured Institutions

Partnered with Education Providers Around the Globe Offering Varieties of Courses

Education Providers Worldwide
Varieties of Courses